Thursday, November 1, 2007

In Santa Fe: Lightroom and Photoshop for Photographers

I've been teaching digital imaging workshops at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops for the last six years and this week an Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom class in Santa Fe, NM marks the last class on the calendar for me. That's right. I'm taking a year off to focus on my personal history and portraiture business. But, this week, like others before, has been a blast! Guiding 12 talented and creative photographers through the process of organizing, editing, enhancing and printing images with the goal of sharing and presenting those images is a thrill. I know, the group shot doesn't quite show the excitement we've been experiencing because it was taken outside. The fun has been happening inside; in the dark, in the digital lab. Don't worry we'll get back outside soon to find the muse.

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