Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Listening is an Act of Love

On December 3, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviewed David Isay, founder of StoryCorps – Democracy Now:StoryCorps about the largest oral history project in the United States and the recent publication of the book, Listening is an Act of Love. Since 2003, 30,000 people have shared their stories, typically originating from family members entering a StoryCorps booth and interviewing one another. Diverse tales emerge that allow a deeper understanding of those we think we know. Each CD is archived in the American Folklife Museum and a collection of the stories have been published in this new book. If you don't know of the StoryCorps project, investigate, be inspired and consider sharing your story or interviewing a loved one. If you need tips on questions to ask, the StoryCorps web site is a fabulous resource.

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