Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Santa Fe Living Treasures

Santa Fe Living Treasures, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3), publicly honors elders who have generously served the Santa Fe community with kind hears and good deeds. Their oral histories and photographs are recorded, archived, and made available to the public at teh Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, Santa Fe, NM.

Recently, I was honored to join the committee as the new Living Treasures photographer! Consequently, I had the great pleasure of photographing Ramon Montes, Barbara Hooton and Saul Cohen for the upcoming ceremony.

Santa Fe Living Treasures will honor these three extraordinary elders on Sunday, June 7, 2:00 p.m., at the United Church of Santa Fe, 1804 Arroyo Chamiso. Please come!! This year marks the 25th anniversary for this non-profit group founded in 1984 by peace activist, teacher, author and minister Mary Lou Cook.

Visit: The Santa Fe Living Treasures Website for more information.

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